Hi, I'm Marco

I am an associate professor at OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University (Norway), where I received my PhD in behavior analysis. I am also a licensed psychologist in Italy.

My research activities include human choice behavior and cooperation with economic and organizational implications. Specifically, I am interested in how we may shape and sustain cooperation and wellbeing in society, organizations, and embed them into cultural practices.

I am affiliated with OsloMet's Cultural Selection and Behavioral Economics Lab. I teach Behavioral Economics and Risk Management in Complex Systems in the MSc program in Behavioral Sciences; previously, I taught Psychological Diagnosis in the BSc program in Health Care. Prior to entering academia, I held various positions within the HR Management & Development departments of multinational manufacturing industries.

My research is at the crossroads between Behavioral Economics, Behavior Analysis and Organizational Behavior Management.



+47 67236119

Office location:

Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Behavioral Sciences

Stensberggata 26, Oslo - Norway

